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Founding Members of SALG

This a photo of SALG's founding members: Dr. Mecca (late) - middle, Mr. Isaac Owens (left), Mrs. Rosemond Sarpong Owens (right).

Sanitation and Literacy Ghana (SALG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a culture of literacy and sanitation in Ghana. Our goal is to address the accessibility and health problems resulting from the lack of sanitation facilities and to recognize the foundational role reading plays in educational development of children.

In 2015, we were founded with inspiration from Dr. Mecca with The Global Sustainability Project and support for Books For Africa. Our partnership with GSAP resulted in SALG adopting the innovative Microflush Toilet, an off-grid, sustainable, environmentally friendly, low-cost, odor-and fly-free toilet that reuses small amounts of water to flush the toilets. We also partnered with Books for Africa to ship and distribute 10 40ft containers of books to libraries and schools in Ghana.

To further our mission, we train local entrepreneurs and cooperatives in proper fabrication of these models, enabling them to start their own small businesses. In 2018, we trained and certified 16 entrepreneurs to start their own businesses in building toilets.

At SALG, we believe that access to clean and safe toilets and books is a basic human right, and we are committed to providing sustainable and innovative solutions to promote literacy and improve sanitation facilities in Ghana.

SDG Goals Impacted by SALG

Message from Dr. Mecca on our Launch event in 2015